Thursday, May 22, 2014

The sick day that rocked

Today I called in sick. I stayed in bed wallowing in pain, self pity and icky thoughts until 8, when I would have clocked in and been sitting as perky as I could muster in my cubicle.

I listened to my body's protest and today I refused to fake any emotion, or stifle it.

I didn't utter a word until my mom called this afternoon! Charlie knows some hand signals, and the cats were perfectly content to either sit on me, or ignore me all day. Charlie insisted I get up at 8, and he led me to the door, so I sat on the porch for 20 minutes while he did his business and visited Zeus, our homeless vagrant cat.

Then Charlie grabbed laundry, so I did a load, and then decided I wanted eggs. After cooking them, Charlie and the inside cats, mischief and mayhem, all snuggled down with me for a marathon of mind and pain numbing tv.

Now, I am snuggled in bed with them, and feeling better. I hate that I'm further in the hole for time off hours, and I hate I pushed duties onto others for a day, but I can honestly say I'm glad I did it, because I know I'll be able to face tomorrow, and I know I feel better than I would of I had kept pushing.

Sometimes it really is ok to just stop and be still, even when everything says "MOVE now!!!!"

Behold truth in action: messy hair. Messy floor. Kitty snuggles from mayhem. <3 surrounded by love like this, who wouldn't feel better and like they can face anything?


1 comment:

  1. Sometimes you need a day for yourself. LOVE the selfies with the sweet kitty!
