Thursday, May 8, 2014

"It's been a really, really messed up week..."

So, I wore the heart monitor for the cardiologist and still haven't heard back from them. I've been sent home from work early twice this week, and I'm really tired, and strung out.

In other less dull and depressing news, I've been watching awesome documentaries on Netflix. "Hungry for Change" and "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" were really informative and interesting. I love learning more about nutrition and health. I have a few books on my shelf about "organic" fruits and veg, and "clean eating"...and with my Celiac's Disease and Lactose intolerance, I just feel like I've been on a journey of learning and improving my meal and snack choices. It's like that saying: "Do what you can with what you have, and when you know better, do better!"

So I've been experimenting with juicing, and now I'm working on dropping oil out of my diet. :) I'm really happy about experimenting in the kitchen when I have energy.

Welp, I gotta go. It's time to clock out and head home. Love ya!


  1. They can pry the olive and coconut oils out of my cold, dead hands! ;)

  2. HA! :D I'm addicted to using the bad kind of oil "vegetable oil" or "canola oil"..."peanut oil". Just empty calories without any health benefit. Also - you look fabulous! Not an ounce of extra anything anywhere (except for awesomeness). I could live off what my body has stored up for at least 3 months. ;) I've been so addicted to fried foods!
