First of all, if you're thinking of gifting something I want to say THANK YOU!
I've been asked several times to come up with a wishlist - and I was *very* hesitant to do so, because I don't want to give the impression that I'm panhandling or that I can't take care of Charlie Majors. My mind has been changed on the subject, because every time I reply that to the person that asks, I end up getting a present of some kind later, so I'm starting to think people are wanting to give presents sometimes, and were just wanting a parameter to help them in selecting something they were trying to do in kindness - so my reservations were making a kind action into a chore for them instead of a pleasure.
Owner preferences:
All edibles for Charlie to be Gluten Free and American made. (I break out in dermatitis herpetiformis when my skin is in contact with gluten, and I have had a furbaby die from unsafe imported food products.)
No toys to have plastic bottles in them. I know this is a popular dog toy, but it blurs the line for Charlie into thinking the thing he brings me in need and later helps me recycle is a toy, which would be a bad thing.
Charlie Majors Likes:
Rawhide Treats.
Squeaky Toys (Rubber and plush toy).
Starbucks Whipped Cream.
Tennis Balls ("dead" ones from playing tennis work perfectly).
Handkerchiefs (He loves to wear them! We have: green, blue, zebra and American Flag).
Charlie wears Petsmart size clothing XXL (He has that deep chest of a Dane).
Items it would be nice to have:
A "Do Not Pet" sign like this,or like this.
A new leash (Beth's favorite color)
A matching collar that says "Working Dog Do Not Pet"
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