Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Charlie has been busy!

I'm still on medical leave from work.

Charlie has been a great comfort to me. He's picked up all sorts of things he's never encountered before! A bowl, my iPad mini (it was on its side), an empty egg carton, a small Tupperware dish! He's been helping with the laundry, getting my shoes and practicing at curbs with me.

Charlie has also been busy eating cow bones, playing ball, tugging rope, catching his baby doll mid-air, and catching up on sleep and episodes of "too cute!" On netflix.

Today was a huge day hat left me physically drained, and I was really glad to have him with me. I wonder sometimes if he gets overwhelmed leading such an active life with me...or if he regrets picking me at the shelter. He doesn't seem to, but I am starting to really count on his help.

Here's a picture of my special boy!

He wanted my eggplant "Parmesan" (gluten and dairy free alternative)! No begging, buddy boy!


  1. Charlie, I am so proud of you!! *heart swells*

  2. All dogs need a purpose or job. I'm sure Charlie is/was thrilled to be adopted by you. He's one special boy!
