Friday, February 7, 2014

We ain't talkin' chocolate pudding! was brought to my attention that someone I know is privately curious as to how I can handle....chocolate Charlie drops? ....Piles of fun?.... Oh, heck. Poop.

Yep, this post is about puppy poop.

Charlie is a LARGE dog. As I've mentioned in previous postins, it's hard for me to bend over, so my friend was curious as to how I handle cleaning up after Charlie's bathroom habits. I never considered that it would be something people would be interested in knowing!

I've read online that you can train your dog to launch into a large planter and crouch to do business there, at waist height. That might be a solution for a small dog, but not Charlie. I tire very easily from standing, so he has learned the command "Hurry, potty, hurry!" means "Go now or forever hold it in!". He can easily laze about and take his ever-loving time with Husband, but when I give that command it's like "Hut, two three four!" and we're done. If it's a pile of fun, I wait until he's done, tell him to brace (I can't lean on him much yet, but he has to learn), and I put my cane in front of me so I can lean over without falling over. Then I brace against the cane with my waist and clean the pile up with a baggie, and take my time straightening up again. I can hand the tied up baggie over to Charlie to put by the front door, but I hate doing that, because let's be honest: carrying a bag of poop with your mouth is not a very attractive thing to be doing, especially when it's your own poop and you kiss people with that mouth! So Charlie walks beside me once I'm mobile again, and we drop it by the door so Husband can take it to the garbage down the hill. If Husband is home, I don't worry about all that, because it's nothing for him to lean over, scoop it and toss it in like 2 seconds flat.

So now you know!

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