Monday, February 10, 2014

About time!

I used to be a completely organized and prompt person. You could set a watch by me. I've noticed as my health declines down its slow slope that more and more I resemble the White Rabbit from "Alice In Wonderland".

Try as I might, it takes me such a long time to get going! Say for example that I have to be at work at 8am. I wake up at 5:30 - 6:00am, shower, rest, feed the cats and Charlie, get dressed, rest, dress Charlie, potty Charlie, clean up after him, start loading the car - first him, then go get his bag, then get my purse, then get my lunchbag. Drive 6 miles, drop off Charlie so he can learn tasks while I'm at work, then it's traffic and work. If I'm lucky my trip that is only 30 miles from my front door to cubicle only takes 1 1/2 hours. Most days I'm 5 minutes late to work.

I used to be the model of perfection when it came to being on time, having everything ready. I'm having to push my body for even the small things and it's frustrating.

I feel like I'm a live action infomercial know...the one that can't do simple things right. I don't know how to make it better. I wish there had been a handbook for becoming disabled. Like the book given to the couple who died in Beetlejuice! I guess this is just a whiny post, but I hope it's helpful to someone who is new to being a Spoonie: EVERYTHING will take extra time. It WILL be frustrating. I know I can keep fighting and trying to improve. But I'm allowing myself a day to wallow in it and say "UGH!!!!!"

And that's okay.

1 comment:

  1. YES! Everything takes so much longer. ::fist bump of solidarity::
