Saturday, August 23, 2014

Inexcusable silence

I've seen a new general practitioner and now have to have my cane AND Charlie, or a walker if I'm alone. My wrists are unreliable, and the theory is to keep me walking as long as possible, and since there's no telling if or when a wrist will be hard to control, that means I need help on both sides.

My insurance is being utterly useless and they maintain that there is no vendor is this State that will accept terms of working with them. We all know the truth, that insurance companies only like healthy people. Screw them! My mom and dad helped hook me up with one so I can stay independent longer. We thought it wouldn't arrive until Tuesday, but I got a phone call that the box arrived today, so after Mass tomorrow, I get to finish measuring up against it and try it out. It's a 4 wheeled walker with seat and basket, and it's pink. I haven't decided quite how we're going to make it all "pimp my ride"ed out, but you know we have to! I can't handle people looking at me with pity. It makes my soul tremble and my skin rankle.

All in all, I'm sorry I've been silent. I've just been having a hard time knowing what to share and what to keep to myself. I've struggled with dementors and haven't had much milk free chocolate handy if you can understand.

Charlie has been a bit of a restless spirit lately. We went to church with our dear friends last Sunday. They are Methodist (love Methodists!), but Charlie and I both forgot and bowed before we entered our pew. I felt like I had a fever I was blushing so hard. I mean, I knew the Eucharist wasn't up there, but it's still the house of God and all those pews, so eh. Oh well. It's better than genuflecting in the movie theater, and my friend from church assured me she felt very embarrassed when she did that! Haha

Anyway, Charlie hasn't been getting enough play time, and I haven't gotten enough vitamin D, so we've gone to the park a bit this past week.

Charlie hardly stands still long enough for pictures. That's him at the water fountain. another dog was there named Charlie too. My Charlie was so totally stoked to hear his name all over the park, and to no longer be the fastest dog running. The other Charlie runs so fast I'm sure he could take down a deer! It was a beautiful thing to watch.

I thought this was hilarious. I'm sorry if it offends anyone.

Charlie majors tries very hard to obey human rules, but the dog park means butt sniffing and marking things, as well as rough play to his heart's content!

That's the other Charlie. He's so darned fast the only picture I have of him is this one. He's a magnificent specimen of his breed though. I've not said it since bringing Charlie majors into my life, but I imagined a "gun dog breed" for a year before meeting my boy. They do the things I want to do when I feel good - running, playing in water, fetch and they have such sweet temperaments. I think God knew best though, because my Charlie is the best at taking care of me at my worst, which there have been some pretty yucky times this Summer.

Their running looks effortless, and like they're just strolling along, but it sounds like horses approaching!


  1. I am so sorry you have to start using a walker! Going out in public with it was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I felt like all eyes were on me! Over the years, I've realized most people are nice, offer to help, and are just curious. After all a young person with a cane, dog or walker does generate questions. Good luck, my friend.

  2. It's ok to be silent on your blog. It's totally excusable.
