Monday, August 4, 2014

Does the mind rule the body?

I saw a specialist today. It was 5 hours at his clinic! I lost count of how many people in scrubs saw my tatas today! haha

I think the most disturbing aspect of today was actually my doctor! (Not that I didn't find his to be particularly brilliant or caring - I did!) He sounded exactly like Leonard Nimoy.

I'll let you imagine lifting your shirt and dropping your bluejeans to be medically examined by Leornard Nimoy. (My husband said he looked like him too, only about 20 years younger than him)

How's your mind handling that mental picture and scenario? Here! Let me help!


Anyway, it was totally worth it. I've finally got a diagnosis to explain why I keep passing out! I have a diagnosis of "Neurocardiogenic Syncope". Apparently my brain doesn't know how to regulate my heart rate and blood pressure in coordination with each other, and I will be adding two new medications to my regimen, and salt with everything I eat, in order to keep my blood pressure raised up to the normal people's level.

I'm really relieved to have an answer.

ALSO - on friday I had a HORRIFYING doctor visit. My mom summed it up best - "You know how there are doctors who graduate at the top of their class and field? This one barely graduated." If mom hadn't lost her temper I would have been up the creek. This doctor made me feel like I was a moron, that I didn't take care of myself, that my issues are negligible and not worth attention or help, and I cried the entire visit. Mom losing her temper resulted in us getting in the manager's office, and them taking a deposition of all I was told by the doctor, including her HORRIBLE advice to stop taking my medications cold turkey. They assured us she wouldn't be working with their clinic anymore and then they gave me my co pay back! That made me feel a little better. She was just a temporary doctor for the clinic because my regular doctor has quit practicing medicine. No idea what's going on there.

So, all in all, I think it worked out for the best. The only useful information I got on friday was that my Vitamin D level 3 months ago was 18. That awful doctor said "So you've got Rickets, which is great by the way. Congratulations."

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