Our cat Mischief ran away this morning....I'll spoil the ending for you, because I wouldn't be writing this if she wasn't home again.
To begin, you need a bit of backstory:
My husband is a champ. He never really liked animals, at least for them to be up close and personal. I mean, he and I had a blast at the zoo, but having an animal in your life 24/7? Nah.
Over the course of our marriage we've had our two cats, Mischief and Mayhem, since they were six weeks old, and we jokingly refer to them as "your cat" and "my cat" because when we went to get them we had agreed to just get one kitten. I picked mayhem because she was tiny and the only short haired one, and she reminded me of my first cat. My husband picked up a lively active kitten from under something and said "we can get her, if you let me get this one too!"
That was over eight years ago, and they are my pride and joy. Adding Charlie to the mix last month has only expanded love in my heart. I imagine it's similar to how most people feel when a child joins a family.
My husband was reluctant to add Charlie, because of a few reasons. One was cost, adding another animal does cost money. Food, training, tools, toys and vet bills. Very reasonable and understandable. The other reason is he was hoping to be able to lay our cats to rest before I needed a service animal, because he was concerned how our cats would be affected. Also very reasonable. He agreed that we needed to start the process now and I honestly think part of the wall he set up in his heart to protect our cats and finances crumbled when he met Charlie.
He has faithfully taken Charlie outside every morning at 3 am since we've gotten him. He plays rough with him since I can't, and he braves the dog park since I can't go alone.
This morning when he took Charlie out...upon return the door to outside was not shut firmly.
My husband leaves for work at 4am almost every day of the month, and today was one of those days. I barely remember him making his side of the bed and telling Charlie to join me for snuggles, but when I woke up, it was a little after 5, and Charlie was snoring. I heard mayhem crying, and I laid there a few minutes debating if I should get up and let her in the bedroom.
I told Charlie to stay, and I opened the door expecting to see my little butterball turkey celebrate that she got her way, yet she wasn't there. She was in the kitchen crying, looking at the back door which was open just enough for a cat to go through. I closed it, and searched the house and mischief was nowhere to be found. I quickly opened every door and closet, put Charlie in the bathroom with some kibble and shook the cat food bag. No kitty except mayhem, and she wasn't interested. She kept staring at the door and crying.
My cats are NOT snuggly with each other. That stopped when their first heat came, before we had them fixed. This conveyed immediately that mischief was outside. I started to panic, and my body went numb. I talked to myself and said "be calm. Shoes on. Flashlight. Sound happy when you call her. Don't panic or she'll spook."
I searched outside for over an hour, and she was gone.
I sat down on the back porch and let the panic attack take me. Poor Charlie was still in the bathroom, and I could hear him trying to get to me, but I couldn't move. I have no idea where mischief was, but God and the Saints must have heard my prayers, because Mischief heard me and slinked over to me. She is NOT a cuddly cat except with my husband, but she is the smarter of the two, and although she plays little dumb blonde, I think she knew I was shattered. She gently touched me and I grabbed her up, and let the tears fall all over her.
She seems okay. She was very cold, and seemed happy to be fed.
Poor Charlie though! I was so scared that mischief wouldn't come home if I was walking wih him, and he seemed almost as panicked trying to get to me to comfort me as I was to find mischief.
Everyone is home. Everyone is safe and warm. Charlie won't let me out of his sight, now that the panic attack is over and all is well. I am so beyond glad that our little Ruler, Mischief, is home. The castle isn't the same without a queen to rule it!